Almir Almas
Almir Almas is General Coordinator of the LabArteMidia Research Group (Laboratory of Art, Media and Digital Technologies), of the Department of Cinema, Radio and Television (CTR), and of the Post-Graduate Programme in Media and Audiovisual Processes at the School of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo (PPGMPA-ECA-USP), where he works as a Lecturer and researcher. He is a board member of the Brazilian Society of Television Engineering (SET), and has previously been on the editorial committee of the SET journal (2010 to 2016). Alms was Vice-Director of Film (2016-2018) at SET. He researches and develops content for IPTV at USP, in addition to being part of the Technical Advisory Group for the Implementation of IPTV USP (GAT IPTV). Alms is the Coordinator of the thematic channel Arte e Cultura of the IPTV USP System, by ECA/USP. He has founded and coordinates the Brazilian Digital Television Observatory (Obted).